Common Push Mistakes: An Overview of Common Mistakes in Push Movement Patterns

  1. Functional Movement Patterns
  2. Push Movement Pattern
  3. Common Push Mistakes

Push movement patterns are one of the most common physical activities that people engage in on a daily basis. From pushing open a door to pushing off a rock wall, push movements are essential to daily life. However, many people make common mistakes when performing push movements that can lead to injury and pain. In this article, we will provide an overview of the most common mistakes made when performing push movements, and how to avoid them.


: Proper posture is essential for optimal performance when performing push movements.

It is important to keep your spine in a neutral position and maintain a straight line from the shoulders to the hips to ensure proper posture. Additionally, ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and your knees are slightly bent. This will provide a stable base to work from and help you maintain good form throughout the movement.


: When performing a push movement, it is important to keep your core engaged and maintain good posture throughout the movement. Your arms should be positioned directly in front of your chest with your elbows tucked in close to your body.

As you perform the push movement, be sure to drive your arms straight out in front of you and keep them close to your body. Also, make sure that your wrists remain straight and that you are pushing or pressing with your palms.


: There are two types of push movements: pushing and pressing. When pushing, you should focus on pushing the object away from your body using the strength of your arms and shoulders. When pressing, you should use more of your bodyweight to press the object away from you.

Both types of movements require proper form and control to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Common Mistakes

: Some of the most common mistakes made when performing push movements include incorrect posture, form, and movement. Incorrect posture can lead to injury or fatigue, as proper posture helps ensure that the weight is being distributed evenly across the body. Additionally, incorrect form can lead to an inefficient use of energy and can cause strain on the body. Finally, incorrect movement patterns can also cause strain on the body as well as reduce the effectiveness of the movement.

To avoid these mistakes, be sure to focus on maintaining proper posture and form throughout the movement, as well as focusing on driving through with your arms while keeping them close to your body.


Correctly performing push movements is essential for proper functional movement patterns. It is important to understand the difference between pushing and pressing, as this will help you execute a safe and effective movement. Pushing is a term used to describe the action of moving an object away from the body. This movement is typically performed with an extension at the elbow and shoulder, and is used to move objects away from you or to lift a heavy object off the ground.

Pressing, on the other hand, is used when moving an object towards the body. This type of movement requires flexion at the elbow and shoulder, and is typically used for pressing objects such as weights or medicine balls. It is important to understand the differences between pushing and pressing, as incorrect form can lead to injury or fatigue. When pushing or pressing, it is important to maintain a strong core and keep your back straight.

Additionally, it is important to use your legs to generate power and keep your arms close to your body.

Common Mistakes

Incorrect PostureOne of the most common mistakes made when performing push movements is incorrect posture. This can include slouching, leaning too far forward or backward, or not keeping the torso in a straight line. Incorrect posture puts strain on the shoulders and neck, leading to discomfort and possible injury.

Incorrect Form

Another mistake people make when performing push movements is incorrect form.

This includes not keeping the arms and legs aligned, or not pushing with the correct amount of force. Incorrect form can lead to muscle fatigue and strain, and can also reduce the effectiveness of the movement.

Incorrect Movement

Incorrect movement is another common mistake made when performing push movements. This can include pushing too quickly or too slowly, or not using proper range of motion. Incorrect movement can lead to fatigue, muscle strain, and increased risk of injury.


Having the correct posture when performing push movements is essential for avoiding injury and maximizing performance.

Proper posture involves maintaining an upright position and keeping the spine in a neutral, straight line. This helps to ensure that the muscles and joints of the body are able to work together effectively, and also reduces the risk of muscle strain, joint pain, and tendonitis. When setting up for a push movement, ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward. Keep your chest up and your shoulders back. The head should be held up in a neutral position with the chin tucked slightly in.

This will help keep the spine in a safe, neutral position. It is also important to ensure that your core is engaged. To do this, tighten your abdominal muscles by drawing in your navel towards your spine. This will help stabilize your body and ensure that you can perform the push movement in a safe and effective manner. Finally, remember to keep your arms relaxed throughout the entire movement. Tightening your arms can cause tension in your shoulders and upper back, leading to pain or injury.


Correct form when performing a push movement is essential to achieving the desired results while avoiding injury or fatigue.

Proper body positioning and movement are key components of this form. When performing a push movement, the body should be aligned in a way that allows for efficient transfer of power from the lower body to the upper body. The feet should be shoulder-width apart and slightly angled outwards, with the toes pointing forward. The hips should be slightly higher than the knees and the core should remain engaged throughout the movement.

The arms should be kept close to the body, with the elbows tucked in and the hands just above the shoulders. The arms should stay straight throughout the entire movement and should not be locked out at any point. The shoulder blades should be held back and down as if trying to squeeze a tennis ball between them. When performing a pushing movement, it is important to use proper breathing technique.

Inhale as the arms move away from the body and exhale as they move back towards it. This helps to keep the core engaged, which allows for more power and control during the exercise. Additionally, it is important to focus on pushing through the heels when initiating a pushing motion. This will ensure that power is transferred efficiently and help to avoid any strain on the lower back.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are performing push movements with proper form and technique. This will help you achieve maximum results while avoiding injury or fatigue. In conclusion, push movements are an important part of functional movement patterns. However, many people make common mistakes when performing push movements that can lead to injury or fatigue. To avoid these mistakes, it is important to focus on posture and form, as well as the correct movement patterns.

Understanding common push mistakes and how to avoid them will help you perform more effective and efficient pushes.

Amie Atanacio
Amie Atanacio

Evil coffee enthusiast. Professional beer ninja. Devoted social media aficionado. Proud pizza advocate. Typical internet nerd.